At ecoBirdy we look for innovative solutions to create a more sustainable world. We would like to invite you to discover the UN Environment Programme and set your Earth Action Number: a goal that will have environmentally positive effects. Find our project on the map, browse between 2.700 international submissions, and set up yours! Because we have #OnlyOneEarth.

What is our goal?
Sustainability is our core commitment, and as part of the #OnlyOneEarth campaign for World Environment Day (5th June), we set the goal to recycle 1 million contact lens blister packs.
We already collected 5,825 contact lens blister packs and made a Frost Table with them!

Why contact lenses?
More than 12% of the world population wears contact lenses. The rate of daily disposable contact lens fittings has been rising, representing more than 30% of all soft contact lens fits —increasingly recommended for hygienic and eye care reasons.

In Antwerp, we partnered with Contactlens Studio to collect contact lens blister packs.

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